Holistisch consult, healing en Persoonlijke ontwikkeling


Wat geweldig gaaf dat jij er bent! 

Enkele  gingen je al voor in een proces van ontwikkeling en zij willen met alle liefde hen ervaring met je delen die je hieronder kunt lezen, want er is niets  puurder dan de ervaringen van hen die ervaren hebben. 

 Vragen? Stel ze gerust via het onderstaande contact formulier of boek  een gratis kennismakingsgesprek. 

To my surprise, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of last year and has now received half a year of chemotherapy, which has weakened me a lot.

Therefore, I felt the need to work on myself on the mental level with your support. During the hour I spent lying on the bed in a kind of body meditation before our conversation, I once again encountered my repressed emotional pain,With your help and meditations with healing light, we have together led all cells and energies from darkness to light. In my opinion, it is essential for healing to consciously face one's own pain, anger and grief once again, to feel them and to put them in the light of awareness. There was still a deep heartache and experiences of violence from childhood that wanted to be healed.

So I found the connection to my heart's voice and my feminine energies again, which I had suppressed. You have made it possible for me to understand the people who have caused me suffering and their pain in retrospect. This also allowed me to forgive, integrate the pain and find inner peace. I feel whole and whole.

Michaela - Germany

Let's Talk

Laat je bericht achter en dan neem ik contact met je op. 

Ben je geintresseerd in ons consult of coaching?
Wil je meer informatie over onze healing?
Wil jij meer weten over persoonlijke ontwikkeling?
Heb je een andere vraag?